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Asian Heart Institute News And Its Attributes

There are many facilities that are being provided by the Asian heart institute which actually give a great leap to the fact that it is undoubtedly the best cardiac hospital in the country. Located in Bandra, Mumbai, this place has professional doctors like DR. Ramakant Panda, specialist in heart surgeries. Here we have more Asian heart institute news lined up.

Asian heart institute news confirmed happiness to healthy heart

Happiness of celebrities: In the recent event organized by AHI, there was Akshay Kumar, who was actually the face of the event and also there to promote a healthy lifestyle. He goes on to say that, helping a cause or any sort of social activity actually makes him happy; and he finds happiness by helping the unprivileged. This was shown mostly on Asian heart institute news. 

Purpose of the event: The event was mainly organized because a great initiative was taken by AHI to help 200 unprivileged children get a free of cost heart surgery. Most families are not capable of heart surgeries as it is quite expensive. This initiative gave a smile to many families in Mumbai. 

Asian heart institute news and its greatness

There are many great facilities and group of doctors that make the AHI a top ranked institution regarding cardiac problems. Recently it celebrated its 15th anniversary and in that occasion Dr. Ramakant Panda showed his great love for the patients and his tenure in Asian heart institute news, which has been actually very soothing. 

They have now been inspiring more people to donate organs so that they can cure most of the heart related cases with great results. The success rate actually grows if there is more amount of donors available. 

Great initiative taken

The idea of AHI to make an event with the support of movie stars have actually clicked and this has inspired many people to come forward and deal with heart diseases. To know more, read 

More idea about AHI

AHI thus, for the obvious reasons mentioned above is actually the top ranked institution. According to them, donation is actually the best gift that one can do to help the less privileged who do not have money for treatment. To know more, read